Access to contraceptive has become increasingly crucial for adolescents because many are sexually active at earlier ages than in the past. This will further compound overall levels of maternal mortality in Nigeria tertiary institutions.This research was specifically designed to determine the knowledge and utilization of contraceptives among female students in Delta State University, Abraka. A total of 107 questionnaires were distributed and 97 were retrieved. majority of respondents were within the age bracket of 20-24 years of 35.1%. 79.4 % of the respondents were single. More than half (95%) of the respondents knew about contraceptives.reason for the lack of detailed knowledge on this subject may be linked to the sources of information; majority of the students got to know about contraception from their friends/peers (39.2%). The study disclosed that there is a high number of females students who practiced sexual intercourse which may result into unintended pregnancy. Also revealed that there is a low trend of use of modern contraceptives for inadequate knowledge. It is therefore recommended that the use of contraceptives amongst undergraduate female students that are attributed to esteem and habit of students should be reviewed for preferred methods and legally backed practice and use of contraceptives by undergraduates.
Background to the study
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